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Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Is there a natural cure for psoriasis?

Psoriasis is skin condition characterised by raised, red, scaly patches of skin. Although the precise cause of psoriasis is unknown, in practice I have found that certain natural approaches can help. Sufferers of psoriasis tend to have raised levels of a fat known as arachidonic acid in their blood streams.
Arachidonic acid tends to encourage inflammation in the body, and some scientists believe that this may be an important underlying factor in psoriasis.
In the body, arachidonic acid can be formed from what are known as omega-6 fatty acids, such as those found in many margarines, vegetable oils, processed foods, fast foods and baked goods such as muffins, cakes, biscuits and patisserie.
It makes sense for you to avoid these foods. Other foods to be limited in the diet include those that are rich in arachidonic acid including dairy products and red meat.
While arachidonic tends to encourage inflammation in the body, other fats, known as the omega-3 fatty acids, tend to do quite the reverse. Omega-3 fats are found main in oily fish (such as salmon, trout, mackerel, herring and sardines) and flaxseed (linseed) oil. Interestingly, it has been noted that Greenland Eskimos who have a high intake of omega-3 fats from fish also have a low incidence of psoriasis.
Some studies have found that fish oil supplementation can help reduce the severity of psoriasis. Consuming plenty of oily fish in the diet may be of benefit to sufferers.
In addition, it might help to supplement with two or three grams of concentrated fish oil each day. If you don't eat fish, take one tablespoon of flaxseed oil each day.
In some psoriasis sufferers, toxicity in the body appears to be an important underlying factor. In practice, the purging of toxins from the system does seem to have the ability to improve the symptoms of psoriasis in many people. Eating a detoxifying diet is important, as is supporting the liver - the body's primary organ of detoxification.
The diet should contain an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. Not only do these foods tend not to tax and stress the liver, they also contain an abundance of nutrients such as vitamin C and carotenoids (e.g. beta-carotene) which can support liver function. Foods which contain a lot of either fat or protein should be downplayed in the diet, as they require quite a lot of chemical processing in the liver.
Red meat, dairy products and foods rich in damaged fats such as processed, fried and fast foods should be kept to a minimum in the diet. Alcohol should also be avoided, as this stresses the liver, and studies show that it can worsen the symptoms of psoriasis. Water helps detoxification, and sufferers should aim to consume at least 1½ - 2 litres of this (mineral water is best) each day.
In addition to these dietary measures, it can help to offer the liver specific support. One herb which is renowned for its ability support and strengthen liver function is milk thistle.
Milk thistle is also believed to help reduce inflammation and slow down excessive cell growth. Some research suggests that taking milk thistle can help control psoriasis. The active ingredient in milk thistle is a group of compounds collectively known as silymarin. 70 - 210 mg of silymarin should be taken three times day, with beneficial effects normally coming in about eight weeks.

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