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Friday, 22 November 2013

18 Amazing Health Benefits Of Pineapples

benefits of pineapple
Pineapples are usually grown in the tropical regions from March to June. They are rich in fibers, vitamins, minerals, nutrients and anti-oxidants and contains over 80 nutrients. Moreover they are so delicious and juicy that there is not a single person who doesn’t love them. But do you also know that Pineapples have a number of health benefits too. Yes, it’s true. The following are some of the most well known Health benefits of Pineapples:

1. Vitamins and minerals: 

There are loads of vitamins and minerals in pineapples. They are full of vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, potassium, phosphorous and calcium.

Everyone knows well how important anti-oxidants are. They fight against free radicals in the body which attack the cells and damage them. So anti-oxidants save you from many diseases like atherosclerosis, heart diseases, arthritis, various cancers etc.

3. Against cold: 

Pineapples are rich in vitamin C and bromelain which fight against viruses and infections. So take pineapples with medicines when you are have a cold or cough attack and it will help you recover quickly.

4. Bones strength:

The mineral, manganese helps in strengthening bones and connective tissues which is present in high quantity in pineapples. A cup of pineapple juice can give you 73% of the required manganese for a day.

5. Healthy gums:

Gums hold the teeth in place and pineapples further strengthen these gums.

health benefits of pineapple
6. Macular degeneration: 

Macular degeneration is a disease in which adults lose their vision making them unable to read and recognize things properly. This is because the retina gets damaged. Beta carotene present in pineapples is very good for our sight and thus should be consumed regularly.

7. Anti-inflammation: 

Pineapple is very much known for its anti-inflammatory properties which prevents the inflammation of arthritis and gives strength to the bones.

9. Cancers: 

The high quantity of anti-oxidants in pineapples fight against free radicals preventing damaged cells and tumours. Thus it prevents many kinds of cancers that may harm you.

10. Atherosclerosis: 

Free radicals can result in Atherosclerosis which can be easily prevented by anti-oxidants in pineapples.

11. Heart diseases: 

Rich anti-oxidants keep free radicals away and lowers cholesterol thus preventing heart diseases.

12. Immunity:

Vitamin C is present in high quantity in pineapples and this is the main anti-oxidant that boosts our immune system.

13. Digestion: 

This is a very well known fact. Pineapple juice is always preferred for digestion. The main enzyme, bromelain helps in digestion. Vitamin C and fibers present in pineapples are also a plus point for digestion.

14. Bronchitis: 

Pineapple is known for its anti-inflammation properties. It helps in reducing inflammation in bronchial tubes which generally arises due to bronchitis.

15. Catarrh:

It is a problem related to secretions of mucous membrane which can be prevented by eating pineapples regularly.

16. Blood pressure:

It helps in controlling blood pressure.

17. Intestinal worms:

Pineapple fights against stomach worms which is a common problem in children.

18. Nausea:

Pineapples provide relief from nausea or morning sickness.
So why wait to eat this delicious and juicy fruit? Eat them or drink a glass of juice daily and get healthier starting today.

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